Change the Story, Change the World: A New Climate Stories book club

Rebecca Solnit opened her 2023 article in The Guardian by asserting that “Every crisis is in part a storytelling crisis.” These words were, for me, both a radical reminder of what’s true and one of the most optimistic statements I’ve read about climate change. “We are hemmed in by stories that prevent us from seeing, or believing in, or acting on the possibilities for change,” she wrote. “What the climate crisis is, what we can do about it, and what kind of a world we can have is all about what stories we tell and whose stories are heard.”

What the climate crisis is, what we can do about it, and what kind of a world we can have is all about what stories we tell and whose stories are heard.
— Rebecca Solnit

Many authors of both fiction and nonfiction are working to create new stories, ones with the power to blow open our imaginations and direct us out of our ruts of outdated thinking. To explore those new narratives together, I’m forming a New Climate Stories book club, starting on Earth Day. We’ll begin with Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility, edited by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua. We’ll then alternate between fiction and nonfiction books. Register by April 1 to have a say in the final selections.

Jennifer Carson